How to Prevent and Treat Pest Outbreaks

How to Prevent and Treat Pest Outbreaks

This blog is for general pest treatment and prevention. For specific pests and their treatment, refer to those individual blog posts. More blog posts will be added soon!

Pest Juice

This is my tried and true elixir of pest prevention! I've used this mix on every clients' plant as a preventative measure against fungus gnats, thrips, mites, fungus, and bacteria. So far on average it is has lasted about 6-7 months for the plants. I use water, castile soap, hydrogen peroxide, 70% isopropyl alcohol, and neem oil. and pepper mint oil. It's hard to give exact measurements of how much of what I use, but the majority parts of the concoction is water.

I douse the leaves and stems, let it sit for about 2-3 minutes, then I wipe everything down thoroughly. The leaves are left clean with a beautiful shine, and best of all it helps keeps the bad stuff away! Since this mix uses alcohol, I do not use this as a treatment for thrips. When treating thrips, you must treat the roots as well and the alcohol in this mix can damage the roots. 

You can use this mix every week to help keep your babies pest free! 

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